Friday 19 July 2013

Fancy a Free Coffee, Summertime, Norwich City, England, July 2013

Plenty of talent downtown Norwich City, England this afternoon, and all to be enjoyed with a free coffee! Another warm afternoon under a clear blue sky as the British heatwave continues - it's only 29 Deg c. Talents in the shape of some professional jazz singing, some pretty good karaoke renditions from the buskers and of course the coffee barista's hard at work as the queue for a free coffee grows - all in all, a very pleasant afternoon in this little city of mine on the British East Coast.

A Little early for Halloween sir!

Thursday 18 July 2013

Norwich - Summertime in the City, July 2013

Its sizzling hot in Norwich City, England.

Continuing our examination of a city and its visitors in the midst of a summer heatwave as temperatures push towards the 30 deg c mark. Throughout these pages you will see a city in vibrant mode - its visitors, residents, workers and loiterers all adding to this unique small city charm!

Summertime in Norwich, England July 2013

At the height of summer and the city is awash with a huge amount of Spanish and French estrogen, not to mention an equal quantity of testosterone! Yes its that time of year when students from our neighboring European lands pay a visit to our fine city of Norwich, England (not Norwich USA).